Museums & Arts Centers

Retain or increase membership

Even though we’re spending more time at home these days, there are clever ways to see the world without having to travel. Attractions that draw thousands of visitors each day are being explored virtually through digital 3D tours captured with Matterport. Virtual tours ae steadily becoming more and more common. VR has the power to transport users to places they might never be able to visit in real life so welcoming digital visitors to your venue is a natural fit. 

greater visitor experience

Deliver amazing visitor experiences that set you apart and offer the most transparent, informational, and immersive experience to today’s tech savvy patrons.

It’s also a huge win for students across the globe as they get to explore some amazing pieces of world history with unprecedented access and ease.

open 24/7

 A 3D virtual tour means that you can always be open. Your venues can be toured 24/7, show multiple properties to multiple visitors simultaneously, your visitors tour at their convenience. Use info-tags, measurement mode, and embedded links to share specifics and more about your spaces and collections.

florida state university, theater, auditorium
woman, art, creative

add tags for points of interest

Each 3D tour comes with the ability to add tags to point out items of interest. Let visitors know about your current collection right in the 3D tour. Each tour by Pix360 includes 5 tags standard in each tour. Additional tags can be added at a low programming cost.

true floorplans &
print quality hdr photos

For a small additional charge 2D floorplans can be provided with your 3D tour. The Pro2 camera uses Lidar to give you true measurements of the property. There is no more need to hire an expensive CAD expert or utilize office staff to create floor plans that may be using old measurements. With our scanning cameras we can give you the current true measurements and true square footage. All Matterport Pro2 scans include HDR photography; each 3D scan includes 2-3 print quality photos per room or space.

national history museum, london, uk

low cost and fast roi

Some Of Our Favorite Examples of Museum & Arts center 3d Tours

Looking for a way to stand out from your competitors? Consider inviting us into your space. Our 3D camera will work its magic and your customers will begin experiencing your brand in a whole new way. Contact us today!